Art by Helena Cecilia Paasche

Hey there! My name is Helena Cecilia, I’m a young artist and musician from Norway, 23 years old. I like sunflowers, climbing trees, hot chocolate with whipped cream, people who laughs out loudly, dancing alone in my room, packing my backpack and traveling random places, and of course, painting.

Painting is one of the things I do the most, but if there’s something I do even more it’s composing music. I like painting with both colors and tunes. I’ve known since I’ve been very young that I live for something bigger than myself. I have a passion for seeing other people being lifted up, encouraged and renewed. It also warms my heart when I see people finding their own creativity, since I’ve seen the importance in my own life of letting out your heart through creating. I believe what the heart is filled with, so you will both speak and create.
Therefore, I live and create to share the love, joy and beauty I found in Jesus Christ. I want to tell stories with my art that reminds people they are loved and never alone.