Originals & commisions

Here’s the originals I have for sale at the moment. If you want more videos, photos or a better look at the originals or have any other questions, you can contact me under and I will answer you by mail. You can also contact me on my facebook page.

Ordering a custom painting
I am currently open for commissions. Above you can see some examples of commissions I do. (Click the photos to see price and sizes) Under is a list where you can see some more examples of commissions with prices and sizes. The price is based on how big the canvas or art paper is, how many details and elements there are on the motive you want painted. Since I’m based in Norway the price is listed in NOK (Norwegian Kroner).
If I have many projects at the same time I might not be able to help you right away, but I can put you on a waiting list and I’ll paint the commission as fast as I can.
Contact me in the contact form under to order.
Small lion – 21 x 21 cm, art paper | 1700 NOK |
Medium lion – 50 x 60 cm, canvas | 5500 NOK |
Big lion – 80×100 cm, canvas | 10 000 NOK |
Big lion textured background – 80×100 cm, canvas | 13 000 NOK |
Small nature – A4, art paper | 1800 NOK |
Medium nature 50 x 60 cm, canvas | 6000 NOK |
Portrait – A4, art paper | 3500 NOK |
Portrait – 50 x 60, canvas | 7000 NOK |
Other motifs
If you have a specific motif you want me to paint I ask you to mail me a photo of the wanted motif and explain your wishes. I will be having to see the picture before I can tell the price. It’s important the picture has good lighting and quality as the reference picture often determines the result. If I see it’s too time consuming or detailed I might not be able to help you, all to guard the creative flow and to have time for other important works for exhibitions – but feel free to share with me and I will see what I can do for you.
If you like one of my other paintings not among these examples you can also contact me concerning making a similar one, in some cases I do paint motifs more than once. The big-sized and more detailed ones are time consuming and will be among the most expensive, depending on the size. Paintings with several faces, buildings, texture or other extra elements will have an extra cost.